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Projekt Flat-Panel CT Reconstruction [ProjFCR]

The aim of this master project is to build a state-of-the-art flat-panel CT reconstruction software. The project is designed in two parts. In the first part, the basics of CT reconstruction will be developed in a group. All participants will create a basic CT reconstruction pipeline that is able to reconstruct flat-panel CT images. The following topics will be taught and implemented in this course: - Parallel-beam reconstruction - Fan-beam reconstruction - Cone-beam reconstruction - Hardware-acceleration using the graphics card In the second part, the participants will be asked to adopt the designed pipeline individually to specific problems in CT reconstruction: - Limited field-of-view - Limited acquisition angle - Reconstruction with few projections - Noise reduction You will incorporate your work into a fully-fledged CT reconstruction and analysis tool that makes it easy to evaluate the reconstruction algorithms. At the end of the project, the designed algorithms will be tested on a real scanner at Siemens AX, Forchheim.

Dates & Rooms:
Tuesday, 10:00 - 12:00; Room: 0.01-142 CIP

Fahrig, Rebecca
Maier, Andreas


No registration is required to attend this course.

If you are interested, come to the first lecture on the 16.10.2018 at 10 a.m. in room Opens external link in new window0.01-142 (Huber-CIP).


You can find the lecture slides Opens internal link in current windowhere.

You can find the exercise sheets Opens internal link in current windowhere.


You can get either 5 or 10 ECTS credits for this project. The following options are available:

5 ECTS (counts as: Hochschulpraktikum)

10 ECTS (counts as Hochschulpraktikum (5 ECTS) + Forschungspraktikum (5 ECTS), or Master Project Computer Science (10 ECTS))


In case of questions regarding the course, feel free to write us an e-mail to:

Opens window for sending emailcs5-projfcr(at)