Johns Hopkins’ Prof. Dr. Mathias Unberath will give a talk at our lab entitled:
"From Acquisition to Augmentation - Towards Task-aware Computer Assistance in the OR“
Abstract: Improved image-guidance has led to the implementation of minimally invasive alternatives to many complex procedures that are routinely performed across many disciplines. While percutaneous surgery benefits the patient, the task load for the surgeon increases drastically. As a consequence, there is substantial risk of failure that, depending on the intervention, is associated with poor functional outcome, need for revision surgery, or more severe complications. Assisting the surgeon in interventional decision making via advanced imaging, image processing, and visualization is, therefore, a key step in improving outcomes. In this talk, I will present our recent work on human-centric end-to-end systems that assist surgeons in improving on-task performance. In the context of image-guided interventions, this consists of acquiring images that contain information specific to the task, analyzing the images to extract cues otherwise inaccessible to the surgeon, and augmenting the perception of the surgeon to inform a decision that, finally, enables optimal actions.
Location & Date: Oct. 19th, 15h,
Room 02.133