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Dr.-Ing. Dieter Hahn

Alumnus of the Pattern Recognition Lab of the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg

My vision is to seamlessly combine multiple medical imaging techniques (fusion), to visualize the results in a suitable manner and thereby provide more information to the physicians for their diagnoses.


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2014 (1 Publications, Talks and Patents)
Articles in Conference Proceedings
Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2014, Aachen, 18.03.2014, pp. 384-389, 2014 (BiBTeX, Who cited this?)
2012 (1 Publications, Talks and Patents)
Journal Articles
Physics in Medicine and Biology, vol. 57, no. 9, pp. 2555-2573, 2012 (BiBTeX, Who cited this?)
2011 (1 Publications, Talks and Patents)
Journal Articles
Kiefer, Alexander; Kuwert, Torsten; Hahn, Dieter; Hornegger, Joachim; Uder, Michael; Ritt, Philipp
Nuklearmedizin, vol. 50, no. 4, pp. 141-173, 2011 (BiBTeX, Who cited this?)
2010 (1 Publications, Talks and Patents)
Journal Articles
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, vol. 29, no. 5, pp. 1140-1155, 2010 (BiBTeX, Who cited this?)
2009 (7 Publications, Talks and Patents)
Journal Articles
Articles in Conference Proceedings
Proceedings of SPIE on Medical Imaging (SPIE Medical Imaging), Orlando, Florida, USA, 8. February 2009, vol. 7261, pp. 72611H, 2009 (BiBTeX, Who cited this?)
Proceedings of the MICCAI Workshop on Probabilistic Models For Medical Image Analysis (Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention - MICCAI 2009, 12th International Conference), London, UK, 20.09.2009, pp. 115-126, 2009 (BiBTeX, Who cited this?)
Proceedings of the MICCAI Workshop on Probabilistic Models For Medical Image Analysis (Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention - MICCAI 2009, 12th International Conference), London, UK, 20.09.2009, pp. 127-138, 2009 (BiBTeX, Who cited this?)
Spiegel, Martin; Pfister, Marcus; Hahn, Dieter; Daum, Volker; Hornegger, Joachim; Struffert, Tobias; Dörfler, Arnd
Visualization, Image-Guided Procedures, and Modeling (Medical Imaging 2009), Orlando, FL, USA, 8.-12.2.2009, pp. 726105-1-726105-8, 2009 (BiBTeX, Who cited this?)
Proceedings of SPIE on Medical Imaging (SPIE Medical Imaging), Orlando, Florida, USA, 8. February 2009, vol. 7261, pp. 72612L, 2009 (BiBTeX, Who cited this?)
2008 (1 Publications, Talks and Patents)
Journal Articles
Kollorz, Eva; Hahn, Dieter; Linke, Rainer; Goecke, Tamme; Hornegger, Joachim; Kuwert, Torsten
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, vol. 27, no. 4, pp. 457-466, 2008 (BiBTeX, Who cited this?)
2007 (6 Publications, Talks and Patents)
Articles in Conference Proceedings
IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference Record (IEEE Medical Imaging Conference), Honolulu, October 2007, pp. 4022-4026, 2007 (BiBTeX, Who cited this?)
Comparison of Differences between Intra- and Inter-Ictal SPECT Images with MRI using Registration Techniques
Nuklearmedizin Kongressausgabe 02/07 (45. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Nuklearmedizin), Hannover, 25. April 2007, pp. A59, 2007 (BiBTeX, Who cited this?)
Hahn, Dieter; Daum, Volker; Hornegger, Joachim; Bautz, Werner; Kuwert, Torsten
IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference Record (IEEE Medical Imaging Conference), Honolulu, October 2007, pp. 4331-4335, 2007 (BiBTeX, Who cited this?)
Kollorz, Eva; Hahn, Dieter; Grunewald, Markus; Goecke, Tamme; Hornegger, Joachim; Kuwert, Torsten
Volume Quantification of the Thyroid Gland Using 3-D Ultrasound Imaging
Nuklearmedizin Kongressausgabe 02/07 (45. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Nuklearmedizin), Hannover, 25. April 2007, pp. A 83, 2007 (BiBTeX, Who cited this?)
Hahn, Dieter
Comparison of Differences between Intra- and Inter-Ictal SPECT Images with MRI using Registration Techniques
at DGN (45. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Nuklearmedizin) in Hannover (27.04)
Hahn, Dieter
Difference Imaging of Inter- and Intra-Ictal SPECT Images for the Localization of Seizure Onset in Epilepsy
at IEEE NPSS (IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference) in Honolulu (03.11)
2006 (4 Publications, Talks and Patents)
Articles in Conference Proceedings
Hahn, Dieter; Wolz, Gabriele; Sun, Yiyong; Hornegger, Joachim; Sauer, Frank; Kuwert, Torsten; Xu, Chenyang
Proceedings of SPIE on Medical Imaging (Medical Imaging 2006), San Diego, February 2006, vol. 6144, pp. 870-879, 2006 (BiBTeX, Who cited this?)
Hahn, Dieter; Wolz, Gabriele; Sun, Yiyong; Sauer, Frank; Hornegger, Joachim; Kuwert, Torsten; Xu, Chenyang
Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2006, Hamburg, März 2006, pp. 221-225, 2006 (BiBTeX, Who cited this?)
Hahn, Dieter
Incorporating 3D Salient Region Features into a 3D Registration Framework
at Leibniz Gemeinschaft (Seminar: Sensor Data and Information Fusion in Computer Vision and Medicine) in Schloss Dagstuhl (02.08)
Hahn, Dieter
Medizinische Werkzeuge zur Bildverarbeitung
at Lehrstuhl für Mustererkennung (Deutsch Russisches Freundschaftstreffen 2006) in Erlangen (21.04)
2005 (3 Publications, Talks and Patents)
Articles in Conference Proceedings
Hornegger, Joachim; Hahn, Dieter; Bautz, Werner; Kuwert, Torsten; Römer, Wolfgang
Tumor Therapy Monitoring Based on Monomodal Image Fusion
Proceedings of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA 2004) (RSNA2004), Chicago, USA, 28.11. - 3.12.2004, pp. 355, 2005 (BiBTeX, Who cited this?)
Hahn, Dieter; Hornegger, Joachim; Bautz, Werner; Kuwert, Torsten; Römer, Wolfgang
Proceedings of the SPIE Medical Imaging (SPIE International Symposium - Medical Imaging), San Diego, 12-17.02.2005, pp. 151-162, 2005 (BiBTeX, Who cited this?)
Hahn, Dieter
Unbiased Rigid Registration using Transfer Functions
(SPIE International Symposium - Medical Imaging 2005) in San Diego (14.02)
2004 (1 Publications, Talks and Patents)
Hornegger, Joachim; Hahn, Dieter; Bautz, Werner; Kuwert, Torsten; Römer, Wolfgang
Tumor Therapy Monitoring Based on Monomodal Image Fusion
(Radiological Society of North America (RSNA)) in Chicago (29.11.)