Stanford Radiology

Detector Shift

The reconstructed image with artifacts

The reconstruction with artifacts


What you can observe from this image:


  • It looks smeared in one direction in general (x-direction in the



  • Lines which should be aligned overlap or are not connected



  • The image gets blurrier the closer you get to these



  • Bright parts look like they got kind of a shadow.

Explanation for the artifacts

For the calculation of the fan angle γ the distance s to the central beam has to be shifted to the left by half of the maximal distance smax. To get the position on the detector from γ, the detector value t then has to be shifted back to the right by half of the detector size tmax. If either of these shifts is performed by a wrong value the mentioned artifacts occur.

A likely mistake would be to shift s and t by the same value, e.g. ½ · smax.

The correct reconstruction

The shift-corrected reconstruction


Anja Pohan, Stefan Nottrott