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Dept. of Computer Sc. » Pattern Recognition » Courses » WS 14/15 » Introduction to Pattern Recognition [IntroPR] » Exercises
ExercisesThe exercise courses will be held on: Mondays 08:45 - 09:30 (00.151-113) Both courses will cover the same topics. If there are any questions or problems regarding the exercises that could not be clarified within the courses, feel free to come by or write an email to Simone or Oliver. Start and SubscriptionAs the blue building is still closed, the exercises will start October 20, 2014. Instead of 45 minutes, the first exercise will then probably take a bit longer (estimated: 60-75 minutes). Any information regarding the exercises and the assignments will be given in the first lecture or exercise. Welcome to the Exercises for Introduction to Pattern Recognition!Most of the time, Simone Gaffling will hold the exercises. The topics are relatively closely related to the lecture. We will have theoretical exercises, where we aim to deepen our understanding of elements within the pattern recognition pipeline. Additionally, we have practical tasks, in order to observe the behavior of the methods on real-world data.
Both exercise sessions cover the same content. A single session will typically take about 45-60 minutes. Older lecture videos is available here (only accessible if you are inside the university network; if you want to watch the videos from home, consider to tunnel the connection). Be aware that the contents of the lecture have changed since then!
Some remarks about programming
In general, we advise you to use Matlab (available in CIP-Pool, all toolboxes available, support can be offered, nice tutorials online (e.g., this one), LME-Matlab-demo), but there are also other (OpenSource) possibilities:
- Weka toolbox: Only for feature vectors, cannot handle images. Java-based. To extract features you might in some cases use: - Fiji: General useful image processing tool with a lot of functionality (provided by research institutions based on plugins) - InsightToolkit (ITK): C++ based, more Image Processing and less pattern recognition. - OpenCV (CV = Computer Vision): C++-based. More pattern recognition/computer vision than image processing (basics are available, though). Nice examples, like tracking, included.
If using ITK and/or OpenCV, you can use the free express-editions of Visual Studio (google for download links). In case of questions, contact me. News