Monday | 8:00 - 12:15 |
Tuesday | 8:00 - 16:45 |
Wednesday | 8:00 - 16:45 |
Thursday | 8:00 - 16:45 |
Friday | 8:00 - 12:15 |
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU)
Lehrstuhl für Informatik 5 (Mustererkennung)
Martensstr. 3
91058 Erlangen
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Kolloquium Medical Image Registration [MIRC]
Es werden aktuelle Themen zur medizinischen Bildregistrierung besprochen
sowie Grundlagen vertieft. Die Themen werden blockweise im Verlauf des
Semesters festgelegt. Teilnehmerkreis: Doktoranden, interessierte
Master-Studenten, Diplomanden und Studienarbeiter.
Dates & Rooms:Wednesday, 10:30 - 12:00; Room: 09.150
MIRC members
Bauer, Sebastian, Brost, Alexander, Eckl, Jutta, Fischer, Peter, Haase, Sven, Hoffmann, Matthias, Höller, Kurt, Jakob, Carolin, Käppler, Sebastian, Koch, Martin, Kurzendorfer, Tanja, Magaraggia, Jessica, Müßig, Ralph, Simon, Johannes, Wasza, Jakob, Witterauf, Michael
Date | Presenter | Title | | Material |
04/25/2012 | Brost | Review on distance maps | | | 05/02/2012 | Bauer/Wasza | Journal Club: R. A. Newcombe et al.: KinectFusion: Real-Time Dense Surface Mapping and Tracking. IEEE ISMAR, pp. 127–136, 2011. Link: | | | 05/09/2012 | Haase | Journal Club: C. Doignon et al.: Real-time segmentation of surgical instruments inside the abdominal cavity using a joint hue saturation color feature. Real-Time Imaging - Special issue on multi-dimensional image processing, pp. 429–442, 2005. Link: | | | 05/16/2012 | Gesell | DA final talk: Robust Model-Based Fusion of pre-op CT and intra-op DynaCT for Mitral Valve Repair Procedures | | | 05/23/2012 | Hoffmann | Journal Club: T. Yamazaki et al.: Improvement of Depth Position in 2-D/3-D Registration of Knee Implants Using Single-Plane Fluoroscopy. TMI, 2004, 23, pp. 602-612 Link: | | | 05/30/2012 | Koch | Journal Club: S. Leanderson et al.: Estimation of the respiratory frequency using spatial information in the VCG. Medical Engineering & Physics, 2003, 25, pp. 501-507. Link: | | | 06/06/2012 | Witterauf | DA talk: 3-D Feature Detection & Description for Landmark-based Surface Registration | | | 06/13/2012 | Koch | IPCAI rehearsal | | | 06/20/2012 | Kurzendorfer | Journal Talk: Y. Ma et al.: Real-time Respiratory Motion Correction for Cardiac Electrophysiology Procedures Using Image-Based Coronary Sinus Catheter Tracking, MICCAI 2010. Link: | | | 06/27/2012 | Jakob | Journal Talk: De Buck et al.: An augmented reality system for patient specific guidance of cardiac catheter ablation procedures, TMI, 2005. Link: | | | 07/04/2012 | Müßig | DA talk: Detection of anatomical landmarks in CT and MRI | | | 07/11/2012 | Magaraggia | Journal Club: T. Brox et al.: High accuracy optical flow estimation based on a theory for warping, ECCV 2004, pp 25-36. Link: | | | 07/18/2012 | Wasza | Journal Club: Dimensionality reduction techniques for statistical analysis and modeling in medical imaging
Presentation | | | 07/25/2012 | Fischer | MT talk: Detection of anatomical properties in nuclear imaging | | | | | | | |