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Time-of-Flight technology in navigated abdominal surgery

Project Description

Time-of-Flight (ToF) imaging technology enables new applications for computer-assisted surgery owing to its capability to measure 3-D surfaces in a fast, dense and contactless manner. The combination of high-resolution 2-D color images and associated 3-D distance data holds immense potential for many clinical applications. Within the scope of this project (1) fundamental research for the assignment of ToF technology in open and laparoscopic surgery will be realized and (2) the feasibility of ToF assisted surgery both with common camera systems and with new 3-D ToF endoscopes concerning a concrete medical problem - the liver resection - shall be demonstrated.

Resection is a primary treatment of liver tumors. As a precise transection is essential for the success of therapy, the planning of surgeries is increasingly assisted by computers. However, to date performing of the planned cut still poses a challange. In order to guide the surgeon during the procedure, a concept for accurate alignment of preoperative planning data onto the patient will be developed by using ToF imaging technology. Therefore, a liver model extracted from preoperative planning data is to be registered to the acquired surface data. Hence, deformations and changes in the topology can be both detected and compensated during surgery.

Project Details
Head: Hornegger, Joachim;
Dr. Lena Maier-Hein

Team: Haase, Sven;
Anja Groch;
Thomas Kilgus

Start: 2011-02-01
End: 2015-02-01


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