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  • Multimodal movement analysis system for therapy monitoring

    A current challenge is the transfer of mobile sensor-based gait analysis systems from clinical settings to the home environment to capture movement parameters and their changes (for example due to medication) in everyday life. The goal of this project is to build a complementary, video and sensor based system which can be used to evaluate long-term monitoring of interventions in Parkinson's Disease in the home-environment. Ethical aspects of home-monitoring are especially taken into consideration in the development phase. The sensor system will be based on the eGaIT system ("embedded Gait analysis using Intelligent Technology) and a markerless video-capturing system. Ethical research is performed to consider potential issues within this scope.

  • Project Details


    Eskofier, Bjoern



    PD Dr. Jochen Klucken,

    Felix Kluge, M. Sc.,

    Dr. Cristian Pasluosta,

    Dr. Heiko Gassner,

    Prof. Dr. theol. habil. Arne Manzeschke


    Start: 2015-10-01

    End: 2016-12-31


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