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Dipl.-Inf. Florian HönigAlumnus of the Pattern Recognition Lab of the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnbergdeveloping speech technology to aid second-language learning
Research Projects
HUMAINE (Human-Machine-Interaction Network on Emotion) is a NoE (Network of Excellence) within the European framework of FP6 running from 1/2004 to 12/2007; contract no. 507422. HUMAINE aims to lay the foundations for European development of systems that can register, model and/or influence human emotional and emotion-related states and processes - 'emotion-oriented systems'. Official Site
The objective of SmartWeb, a project funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), is the intelligent, multimodal, mobile access to the Semantic Web. From 2004 to 2007 fourteen partners managed by DFKI (Deutsches Forschungsinstitut für künstliche Intelligenz / German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence) were working on the realization of that vision. Apart from a number of universities and other research institutes, the consortium consists of small and medium enterprises and large industrial companies. Official Site
C-AuDiT (Computer-Assisted Pronunciation and Dialogue Training, 1/2008-12/2009) is a research project focusing on the development of a technology that helps language students to train their spoken language skills while interacting with an e-learning computer system. The emphasis is on pronunciation training and dialogue exercises. C-Audit is funded within the program "KMU-Innovativ" by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and conducted together with digital publishing (dp), one of the world leaders in language learning software. More Official Site AUWL 2010-2011 (AUtomatic Web-based Learner feedback system, 7/2010-12/2011) is a sequel of C-AuDiT with dp and FAU as partners: the project aims at pronunciation and dialogue training for English by presenting a dialogue of the day to language learners who should take over the role of the dialogue partners by, for instance, repeating (parroting) or shadowing the tutor's utterances; the learners' pronunciation is assessed and they are provided with automatically generated feedback. My research in pronunciation assessment is funded by C-AuDiT and AUWL.
ASSIST The Kassel stutter therapy is applying a fluency shaping technique to help stutterers speak fluently. To offer improved training possibilities for the clients, we are developing algorithms to automatically analyse whether speech exercises are being performed correctly. The ASSIST project (Automatische Sprachanalyse für ein Assistenzsystem zur systematischen Steigerung der kontextuellen- und Interaktionsanforderungen bei der Stottertherapie - Automatic Speech analysis for an assistance system for Systematically Increasing the contextual and interactional requirements in Stuttering Therapy) is founded by the Hessen Agentur under the track Hessen ModellProjekte and executed in close cooperation with Parlo GmbH. |