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Dipl.-Inf. Wilhelm Haas

Alumnus of the Pattern Recognition Lab of the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg

Technology is for humanity and not vice versa


Apple Inc.'s revolutionary new products have caused a worldwide revolution on the technology market and especially on the consumer market. First time ever, products have been developed that are focusing in the first place on humanity than technology. Conventional interaction methods, e.g. using mouse or keyboard to communicate with machines, were completely discarded and replaced by newer simpler and more intuitive ones.

We have set ourselves the goal to use these new technologies as a basis for new medical therapies. Primarily, we focus on mental illnesses that occur mainly in old ages, and make the life harder than it already is. As our society is aging and the demographic change is getting more and more visible, the number of people with mental disorders is rising. Not to forget is the increasing lack of doctors which will complicating the treatment of diseases either. Therefore, we develop new therapies that everyone can everywhere, even at home, without great effort and costs, take advantage of to support and accelerate the treatment of specific mental disorderes.