Since 03/2008
Researcher at the Chair of Pattern Recognition (LME)
10/2007 - 12/2007
Project-oriented collaboration at the Chair of Pattern Recognition (LME): "Intelligente Videoanalyse - Eine Grundlagenstudie"
10/2001 - 10/2007
Studies of computer science at the Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg (FAU)
- Major subjects: Computer graphics, pattern recognition and operating and distributed systems
- Minor subject: Medical information technology
- Diploma thesis: "Edge-Preserving Denoising as a Pre-Processing Step for the Segmentation in CT-Images"
- Study thesis: "Detection and Quantification of Evolving Structures in MR Sequences"
09/1992 - 06/2001
Hans-Sachs-Gymnasium, Nuremberg