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Kolloquium Segmentierung [SEG]

Es werden aktuelle Themen im Bereich der Segmentierung vor allem medizinischen Bildmaterials aus Praxissicht besprochen, sowie Grundlagen vertieft. Im Rahmen des Kolloquiums stellen Studierende ihre Bachelor-/Masterarbeit vor und halten dazu einen Einführungsvortrag zu Beginn ihrer Arbeit sowie eine Präsentation der Ergebnisse ihrer Arbeit am Ende. Die Themen werden blockweise im Verlauf des Semesters festgelegt. Teilnehmerkreis: Doktoranden, interessierte Studierende, Bachelor- und Masterarbeiter

Dates & Rooms:
Monday, 14:15 - 15:45; Room: 09.150

Steidl, Stefan

13.10.2014Discussion of the winter term schedule
20.10.2014Felix MeisterMarginal Space Learning (introductory presentation of his bachelor's thesis)pdf
Stefan SteidlScientific Presentations – Some Guidelineslink
27.10.2014Félix LadesIntuitive and Smart Editing of Three-Dimensional Geometrical Heart Valve Models from Cardiac CT Data (introductory presentation of his master's thesis)pdf
Stefan SteidlTypesetting using LaTeXlink
07.11.2014 (Friday, 11:00 am)Самородов Андрей Владимирович (Andrey Samorodov)Development of Methods for Automatic Object Recognition in Microscope Images of Biomedical Specimentspdf
10.11.2014Jens GlasbrennerInteractive Multi-Label Liver Tumor Segmentation Approach (introductory presentation of his master's thesis)pdf
17.11.2014Anna WernerHepatic Tumor Segmentation using the Power Watershed Algorithm (introductory presentation of her bachelor's thesis)pdf
24.11.2014Alexandra FöhstSegmentation Enhanced Resting-State fMRI for the Detection of Major Depression (final presentation of her bachelor's thesis)pdf
Christian JaremenkoAnalysis and Classification of Confocal Laser Endomicroscopic Images to Distinguish Pathological from Healthy Tissue (final presentation of his master's thesis)pdf
01.12.2014Marco Bögelpresentation of his PhD topic and his current work
15.12.2014Felix MeisterBounding Box Segmentation of the Liver in a CT Volume Using Marginal Space Learning (final presentation of his bachelor's thesis)pdf
12.01.2015Rimon SaffouryAutomatische Nierensegmentierung (final presentation of his master's thesis)pdf
19.01.2015Luying GuiRenal Lesion Detection on Medical Ultrasound Images (presentation of her PhD topic and her current work)pdf
26.01.2015Félix LadesIntuitive and Smart Editing of Three-Dimensional Geometrical Heart Valve Models from Cardiac CT Data (final presentation of his master's thesis)pdf
Katharina BreiningerICA-Based Analysis of Resting-State fMRI in Major Depressive Disorder (introductory presentation of her master's thesis)pdf
Tanja KurzendorferSegmentation of Left Ventricular Anatomy in 3-D LGE MRI (introductory presentation of her master's thesis)pdf
09.02.2015Richard HausImplementation and Evaluation of a mobile VNC Client with Multitouch Transfer and Gesture Recognition System using the Android SDK (final presentation of his bachelor's thesis)pdf

25.03.2014, (Wednesday, 2:30 pm)

Florin GehsuEfficient Deep Learning Architectures for 3D-4D Medical Image Analysis (final presentation of his master's thesis)pdf