Stanford Radiology

Matlab Integration

As CONRAD is written in Java only, integration into MATLAB is very easy. The CONRAD classes can be used "as is". We provide a small package of code examples that are included in our GitHub source code, Opens external link in new windowhere. Please follow the instructions in the Readme-file that is provided with the code examples for installation.

Note that your Matlab version needs to run on the same or a newer JavaVM Version as used for the compilation of CONRAD.

Code Example "MatlabCONRADtutorial.m"

In this code example we define a 3D object in Matlab which we then forward project using CONRAD. Afterwards a comparison is done between a backprojection only and a backprojection that includes the ramp filtering step. The ground truth object, the created projections, the backprojection and the full FDK reconstruction including filtering are visualized in ImageJ windows.

Exported from Notepad++
clear variables close all clc % Example for the forward and backward projection using CONRAD % (1) import java packages import ij.* import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.utils.* import* % (2) Load the CONRAD settings xml file try % default config file as provided % (just replace path to your own config file if needed) config = Configuration.loadConfiguration(fullfile(fileparts(mfilename('fullpath')),'Conrad.xml')); Configuration.setGlobalConfiguration(config); catch err error('Could not load valid CONRAD config file!'); end % (3) open ImageJ / if already open, close all images if (isempty(IJ.getInstance())) ImageJ(); else while(WindowManager.getImageCount()>0) openImg = IJ.getImage(); openImg.close(); end end % (4) define a matlab volume (two spheres with high and low density) volDim = [512,512,512]; [x,y,z]=meshgrid(1:volDim(1),1:volDim(2),1:volDim(3)); vol=zeros(volDim); % sphere 1 vol(sqrt((x-(volDim(1)+1)/2).^2+(y-(volDim(2)+1)/2).^2+(z-(volDim(3)+1)/2).^2) < min(volDim)*0.5/2)=1; % sphere 2 vol(sqrt((x-(volDim(1)+1)/2).^2+(y-(volDim(2)+1)/2).^2+(z-(volDim(3)+1)/2).^2) < min(volDim)*0.3/2)=4; % (5) OpenCL forward projection projections=OpenCLForwardProjection(vol);'Forward Projected Matlab Object'); % (6) OpenCL backprojection without filtering volRec1=OpenCLBackProjection(projections);'Backprojection without filtering'); % (7) A full reconstruction with filtering volRec2=reconstructionHelper(projections);'Full reconstruction with filtering'); % (8) Show also the Ground Truth in ImageJ gT = mat2Grid3D(vol);'Ground Truth'); % If the outcome of the forward or backward projections are needed in % Matlab format use the following (This copies the whole volume --> slow): % mProjections = grid3D2mat(projections); % However, you can also access the Grid3D directly (much faster) by using % for example "projections.setAtIndex(x,y,z,value)".