Magnetic Resonance Imaging
The magnetic resonance imaging group is dedicated to excellent research in MR reconstruction. An overview on the running projects can be found on this website.
Date | Responsible Person | Title |
| | |
01.10.2018 - 28.11.2018 | --- | No colloquia |
29.11.2018 | SeungSu Yoon | Final Talk (Master's Thesis): "Automatic Cardiac Resting Phase Detection using Machine Learning" (30+5 min) |
06.12.2018 | --- | No colloquium |
13.12.2018 | --- | ISMRM Abstracts (PR Lab) |
17.01.2019 | Manuel Schneider | Book club (Haacke) |
Prior Sessions
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Iterative Reconstruction for Sodium MRI The image quality of 23Na-MRI is enhanced significantly by dictionary-learning compressed-sensing (DLCS) reconstruction. The acceleration and improvement of the DLCS algorithm is focus of this project. |
Fatty Acid Quantification using Multiecho MRI The aim of this project is to develop a method yielding accurate information about the fatty acid composition (i.e. the fractions of unsaturated, mono-unsaturated, poly-unsaturated as well as saturated fat in percent) using MRI. |