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Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ahmed El-Rafei

Alumnus of the Pattern Recognition Lab of the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg

My vision in research is to develop state of the art image processing algorithms to facilitate the diagnostic medical flow

Automatic Segmentation of the Optic Radiation Using DTI

The complexity of the diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) data and the interpersonal variability of the brain fiber structure make the identification of the fibers a difficult and time consuming task. In this project, an automated segmentation  system of the optic radiation using DTI is proposed. The system is applicable to normal subjects and glaucoma patients. It is intended to aid future glaucoma studies. The automation of the system is based on physiological and  anatomical information to produce robust initial estimates of the optic radiation. The estimated optic radiation initializes a statistical level set framework. The  optic radiation is segmented by the surface evolution of the level set function.  The system is tested on glaucoma patients and normal subjects. The  segmentation results were compared to the manual segmentation performed by  a physician experienced in neuroimaging and found to be in agreement with the  known anatomy. The automation eliminates the necessity of the intervention of medical experts  and facilitates studies with large number of subjects.




Example of the optic radiation segmentation on an axial brain slice. Left: Non-diffusion weighted image. Right: Color coded directional FA image