- Real time direct volume rendering
- Implemented several ray-casting based volume rendering techniques and a complete volume rendering library
- Integrated Focus and Context Visualization
- In-situ Visualization for Augmented Reality (
LMU and TU Munich)- Adapted F+C rendering to requirements of augmented reality
- Studied depth perception in augmented reality
- Deformable 3D-3D freehand-US / CT registration (Siemens Corporate Research)
- Implemented GPU-based compounding of a freehand ultrasound sweep into a cartesian volume
- Extended a GPU deformable registration framework to 3D and implemented several similarity metrics
- Depth perception in X-ray and fluoroscopic images
- Developed new techniques to improve depth perception in X-Ray images in cases such as fusion with US or tracked surgical instruments (MICCAI 2011)
- Tracking for orthodontic Augmented Reality (
White Lion Technologies)- Studied the application of dental bracket placement for Augmented Reality
- Developed real-time registration techniques to track a low-dose CT of a jaw in a video image (MICCAI 2012)
see also:
Publications at TU-München